Have a nice life arrowheads
Have a nice life arrowheads

have a nice life arrowheads have a nice life arrowheads

The fucking chord progression of the acoustic guitar is just, better than perfect, better than the greatest thing I've ever heard, better than achieving nirvana, just holy shit it's really fucking good. It's really hard to put this song in words.

have a nice life arrowheads

The next song, Holy Fucking Shit: 40,000, may do an even better job of putting this feeling in my chest. This is what makes the 2nd disc so hard to describe, because this isn't the only song that gives me that feeling in my chest. Weird shit, eh? Even weirder to try and fucking explain. Whenever I hear the chorus of this song, I literally feel a lightness in my chest, like some sort of mental anguish is literally lifted off of me. It's hard to describe shit like this (and really, this whole 2nd disc) because it's hard to put feelings like this into words. Something about the drums, coupled with the guitar in this song, just makes it an absolutely, hauntingly, perfect song. Waiting for Black Metal Records to Come in the Mail was the first Have a Nice Life song I've ever heard, and it will forever remain my favorite Have a Nice Life song. All 6 songs on The Future are fucking fantastic, just perfectly made songs. It still has that ambient feel you love to it, but it's just, way fucking better. Now the 2nd disc, entitled The Future, is something completely fucking different.

Have a nice life arrowheads